澳洲Essay Introduction的基本写作解析

出国留学, Essay写作是必然的。更成为了留学生活中密不可分的一部分!在论文写作中,第一部分是绪论。需要essay代写么?
An essayist 的引文不多,但写得好是很重要的,这样才能吸引读者继续阅读。让我们来分析一下论文导论的写作:

首先看下Introduction的英文解释:Theintroduction to an essay, which is sometimes referred to as a prolegomenon,
tells a reader the objective and purpose of the work. It acts as a blueprint of sorts for the essay as a whole;
illustrating the central case behind your writing and the line of reasoning that you will follow throughout.
TheEssay Introduction should begin with a general overview of the subject, followed by a precise statement that explains your ultimate intent and how it will be built upon in the body.
A good Essay Introduction will have a short and concise thesis statement, offer the goal of the paper and engage the reader so that he will want to continue to read the rest of the essay.

Introduction to articles,有时被称为Preface,告诉读者这篇文章的目的和宗旨。它是整篇文章的蓝图;
Introduction to the article应该从对主题的概述开始,然后是一个精确的陈述,解释你的最终意图以及如何将它建立在身体上。
此外,论文的导论应包括以下三个部分:Research background, research reason and research outline,

real-world context, key theories and definitions.背景与研究语境要介绍Essay主题现有的相关背景,可以简要涵盖下学术、真实世界的相关语境,以及关键理论与概念。

2. Research problem/questions;-the specific problem arising from that context-Includes an explanation of why it is important to solve or answer it

3. Thesis statement/argument-your solution/answer to the problem/question-this might be an overall argument or a hypothesis再次,

4. Researchapproachtheparadigm, theoretical/conceptual or empirical framework you will use to get find a solution/answer接下来,

5.Scope/Outline-the main points discussed in the order they will be represented in-Giving the reader a road map for the dissertation
以上就是关于EssayIntroduction的写作讲解,基本上EssayIntroduction就是这样咯 ,大家可以参考一哈~