澳洲社会学作业代写 住房

资助者和开发商的主要目标是促进一个健康的环境注入健康的生活,通过这个,他们能够执行一个财务健全的项目。纽约市住房保护与发展部(HPD)是Via Verde的主要公共机构。HPD赞助了New Housing New York Legacy Competition,并以1美元的价格将土地出售给开发商,同时为经济适用房提供资金(Phipps Houses, Jonathan Rose Companies, 2012)。该设计通过一个回收系统、雨水回收系统和太阳能系统节省了能源成本(essay, 2018)。此外,楼梯的使用消除了电梯的使用,降低了电费的成本。住宅单元的位置允许更多的自然光,就像楼梯一样,减少了电费。Via Verde通过使用价格低廉的材料,如用于制造雨幕的铝,来降低其建造成本。他们也因为没有停车场而节省了成本。通常情况下,住宅开发需要有停车场,但是Via Verde的场地面积不够大,容纳不了这么多的居民。为了遵循可持续发展的主题,开发团队成功地提出不建停车场,因为Via Verde靠近停车场,可以使用地铁和公交车等公共交通工具(essay, 2018)。由于HPD的支持和低能源成本,使得Via Verde不仅能够继续作为许多人的家,而且作为一个企业取得成功。从资金到设计策略,Via Verde极大地影响了环境和人们的生活。利用被动设计策略等设计策略,项目团队能够降低企业的能源成本,促进可持续性,并为居民创造负担得起的空间,让他们以整体的方式与自然融为一体。佛得角现在是一个可负担得起的住房和可持续生活是可以实现的例子。

澳洲社会学作业代写 住房

The main goal for the funders and developers was to promote a healthy environment infused into healthy living and through this, they were able to execute a financially-sound project. The NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) was the lead public agency for Via Verde. HPD sponsored the New Housing New York Legacy Competition and sold the land to the developer for $1 while providing funds for the affordable housing (Phipps Houses, Jonathan Rose Companies, 2012). The design saves on energy costs by having a recycling system, rainwater recycling system, and solar energy system (Essays, 2018). Also, the use of stairs eliminates elevator usage which reduces the cost of the electric bill. The positioning of the residential units allows more natural light and just like the stairs, reduces the electric bill. Via Verde reduced its construction costs by using affordable materials such as the aluminum for the rainscreens. They also avoided costs by not having a parking lot. Usually, residential development is required to build with parking lot, but the site of Via Verde was not large enough for the amount of residents. To follow the sustainable theme, the development team successfully argued to not build a parking lot because Via Verde is located close to a parking garage and has access to public transportation such as the subway and buses (Essays, 2018). The support of HPD and low energy costs, allows Via Verde to not only continue its success as a home to many but as a business as well.From the funding to the design strategies, Via Verde has greatly impacted the environment and people’s lives. Using design strategies such as the Passive Design strategy, the project team was able to reduce energy costs for the business, promote sustainability, and create affordable spaces for residents to come together with nature in a holistic way. Via Verde is now an example that affordable-housing and sustainable-living are achievable.