澳洲政治学代写 朝鲜难民

在阅读和聆听朝鲜难民的叙述时,我注意到了几个模式。首先是讲述者谈论食物的程度。他们的食物是玉米,以及他们在田间劳作时所收获的一切。那里几乎没有食物,他们只能梦想着能吃到他们想吃的东西,想吃什么就吃什么。一位名叫查尔斯(Charles)的难民说,有一次他因为饿了,吃了路边吐出来的东西,他看到了路边的米粒。那时,当他吃东西的时候,卫兵殴打他,但是对他来说,食物比殴打的痛苦更重要(查尔斯)。对食物的这种需求被认为是每个难民选择离开的原因之一。我在档案中注意到的另一个模式是身体疼痛的主题。在劳改营里,人们整天工作,没有休息,做一些无关的工作,如采矿、伐木或搬运重物。像这样的工作对身体造成了如此多的疼痛,而且很容易就会导致一个人死亡,但工作并不是这些朝鲜劳工身上唯一的痛苦。这些卫兵以每天殴打人而闻名。也许是因为他们偷懒了,也许只是因为警卫心情不好。每个叙述者都讲述了他们被警卫殴打的经历,以及他们每天感到身体有多痛。在一个极端的情况下,一名工人分享了他在学校的一段时间的记忆——在劳教所的较年轻的孩子在12岁之前都接受教育——警卫狠狠地打了一个女孩的头,第二天她就死了(Shin, Donghyuk)。这个故事反映了劳工在劳改营中所经历的最极端的痛苦。但即使他们离开了这个国家,痛苦也不会结束,直到他们找到安全的地方。在崎岖的地形上行走数小时数天,试图躲避中国警卫,肯定会对人体造成伤害。

澳洲政治学代写 朝鲜难民

While reading and listening to narratives of North Korean refugees I noticed several patterns. The first was how much the narrators talked about food. Their diets were made up of corn, and whatever they could catch out in the fields while working. There was little food and all they could dream of was being able to eat as much as they wanted and eating whatever they wanted. One refugee, Charles, told of how he once ate vomit of the side of the road because he was hungry, and he could see the rice kernels in it. At that time the guards beat him while he ate, but food was more important to him than the pain of the beatings (Charles). This need for food was stated as one of the reasons that each refugee chose to leave.Another pattern I noticed within the archive is the theme of bodily pain. Within the labor camps people are worked all day with no breaks doing extraneous work such as mining, lumbering, or hauling large loads. Working like this causes so much physical pain to the body and could easily kill a person with that pain alone, but work isn’t the only pain afflicted on the bodies of these North Korean laborers. The guards are known for beating people daily. Whether it be because they slacked off or simply because the guard was in a bad mood. Every narrator relayed their experiences being beaten by the guards and how sore their body felt every day. On one extreme occasion, a laborer shared a memory of a time while he was in school- the younger kids in labor camps received education until the age of 12- and the guard hit a girl so hard on the head she died the next day (Shin, Donghyuk). This story reflects the most extreme examples of the pain that laborers experienced while living in the labor camps. But even after they leave the country, the pain does not end until they find safety. Hours and days of travel through rough terrain trying to hide from the Chinese guards would certainly take a toll on the human body.