澳洲供应链作业代写 空客和波音

空客和波音都有最新一代飞机的开发计划。这些是A350XWB和B787梦幻客机。波音和空客都曾估计交付1600架飞机。然而,由于他们的供应商,这两个OEM都停止了。由于两家公司都有相当数量的货源,他们很有可能会收到延迟。导致他们延期的案例之一是来自一级供应商。他们的发动机制造商发现他们交付给OEM的发动机有一个故障。这导致了生产的大量停顿,原始设备制造商不得不储备“库存”。由于这两家航空公司接到的订单都比它们的装配线要多,所以它们持有库存是不寻常的。航空公司对航班延误并不陌生。很明显,他们不会故意拖延,但如果真的有拖延,那是出于不同的原因。他们遇到的大多数延误是设计上的,或者是在装配过程中尝试不同的技术。然而现在,随着该行业的蓬勃发展,它对供应商构成了挑战。当他们外包并接到更多订单时,供应商就面临着挑战。供应商可能在收到合同时就有足够的资源来应对需求,并可以处理更多的需求,但我认为OEM和供应商都没有准备好应对这种需求。劳斯莱斯(Rolls Royce)、普惠(Pratt & Whitney)和CFM International都在努力解决引擎问题。对于波音公司来说,它并没有太大的影响,但是空中客车却有。空客不得不在汉堡和图卢兹的停机坪上储存100架a320neo。

澳洲供应链作业代写 空客和波音

Both Airbus and Boeing had development programmes for their latest generation of aircraft. These are the A350XWB and the B787 Dreamliner. Both Boeing and Airbus had an estimated figure to deliver 1600 aircrafts. However, the both OEM have come to a halt due to their suppliers. As both have a fair amount of sourcing within their company it is very much possible that they will receive a delay. One of the cases that has caused them a delay is from a first tier supplier. Their engine manufacturers have identified a fault in the engines they have deliver to the OEM. This has caused a massive standstill in production as well as the OEMs had to stock ‘inventory’. As both airlines are received more orders then they have assembly lines it is unusual for them to hold stock. Airlines are no strangers to delays. For obvious reason they would not delay on purpose but when did have a delay it was for different reasons. Most of these delays they would have had was on the design or attempting different techniques during assembly. Now, however, with the industry booming it has challenged the suppliers. When they outsource and receive more orders the challenge for suppliers is on. Suppliers might have had the resources to cope with demand at the time when received the contract and could have handled some more but I believe both the OEM and supplier were not prepared for this type of demand. Rolls Royce, Pratt & Whitney and CFM International are struggling with engine issues. For Boeing it has not affected them too much but Airbus has. Airbus had to store 100 A320NEOs on the tarmac in Hamburg and Toulouse.

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