

叙述模式 (Narrative)



  1. 使用时间转折词
    • 利用时间转折词(如 “first”, “then”, “afterward”)来指导读者理解事件发生的顺序。这些词语有助于构建故事的框架,并保持叙述的清晰和连贯性。
  2. 细节描述
    • 使用具体的细节来描述事件和经历。这些细节可以是感官的描述(如视觉、听觉),也可以是情感的表达,让读者有身临其境的感觉。
  3. 人物和场景描绘
    • 在叙述中包含人物和场景的详细描绘。描述人物的特点、动作和语言,以及场景的布置和氛围,可以增强故事的生动性和吸引力。


  • 个人陈述
    • “When I first arrived in the United States, I was overwhelmed by the cultural differences. Initially, I struggled to adapt to the new environment. However, as time went on, I began to embrace the challenges. I actively participated in community events and volunteered at local organizations. Through these experiences, I not only improved my language skills but also gained a deeper understanding of cultural diversity.”
  • 经历分享
    • “During my internship at ABC Corporation, I encountered a significant challenge. The project I was assigned to was behind schedule, and the team morale was low. I took the initiative to organize team meetings, where we brainstormed solutions and set realistic goals. Gradually, we overcame the obstacles and completed the project successfully. This experience taught me the value of teamwork and effective communication.”


描述模式 (Descriptive)



  1. 使用感官词汇
    • 描述模式强调通过感官体验来绘制画面。使用描述色彩(如“明亮的”)、质地(如“光滑的”)、气味(如“芬芳的”)的词汇,可以使描述更加生动。
  2. 运用比喻和拟人手法
    • 使用比喻可以为读者提供熟悉的参照,使描述更易于理解。拟人化则能赋予非人类物体或抽象概念以人类的特性,增强描述的效果。


  • 描述文化现象
    • “During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the night sky was adorned with a full moon, glowing like a luminous pearl. Streets were illuminated with lanterns of various shapes, casting a warm, inviting glow. The air was filled with the sweet aroma of mooncakes, a symbol of reunion and happiness.”
  • 描绘节日场景
    • “The Spring Festival in China is a tapestry of vibrant colors and joyful sounds. Red banners fluttering in the breeze, walls adorned with intricate paper-cuttings, and the resonant sound of firecrackers create an atmosphere of festivity and auspiciousness. Families gather around sumptuous feasts, sharing stories and laughter, embodying the spirit of togetherness and renewal.”


比较与对比模式 (Comparison and Contrast)



  1. 明确比较点
    • 在开始写作前,确定你想要比较的具体方面,如功能、外观、价格、效益等。这有助于保持文章的焦点和组织性。
  2. 使用对比转折词
    • 使用诸如“however”(然而)、“on the other hand”(另一方面)、“yet”(然而)等词汇,可以清楚地标示比较和对比的转换,增加文章的连贯性。


  • 比较东西方文化
    • “Eastern cultures often emphasize community and collectivism, where the needs of the group are placed above individual desires. However, Western cultures tend to prioritize individualism, where personal achievements and independence are highly valued.”
  • 对比教育制度
    • “The education system in the United States often focuses on critical thinking and student participation. On the other hand, many Asian educational systems are more exam-oriented, with a strong emphasis on memorization and rote learning.”


因果模式 (Cause and Effect)



  1. 区分原因和效果
    • 清楚地界定事件的原因(导致某事发生的因素)和效果(事件发生后的结果或影响)。
  2. 使用因果连词
    • 使用像“because”(因为)、“as a result”(因此)、“due to”(由于)这样的连词,可以帮助清晰地表达因果关系。


  • 探讨社会现象
    • “The increase in mobile technology usage among teenagers has led to significant changes in communication patterns. Due to this technological shift, face-to-face interactions have decreased, while virtual communication has become more prevalent.”
  • 分析事件影响
    • “The economic downturn was primarily caused by the collapse of the housing market. As a result, numerous people lost their homes, and unemployment rates soared, leading to widespread financial distress.”


议论模式 (Argumentative)



  1. 明确立场
    • 在文章的开始部分明确你的观点或论点。确保读者一开始就知道你的文章要表达什么主张。
  2. 提供有力证据
    • 使用事实、数据、专家意见或具体例子来支持你的观点。强有力的证据是说服读者的关键。
  3. 理解并反驳反方论点
    • 明白对方可能提出的反对意见,并准备好反驳。这表明你已全面考虑了议题,并能增强你论点的可信度。


  • 论文写作
    • “Despite the potential risks, genetic engineering in agriculture should be pursued due to its ability to increase food production and improve food quality. Studies have shown that genetically modified crops are more resistant to pests and environmental stresses, thereby reducing the need for chemical pesticides and increasing yield.”
  • 反驳反方观点
    • “While some argue that genetic modification can lead to environmental problems, research indicates that these crops require fewer chemical inputs, thus potentially reducing environmental impact compared to traditional farming methods.”



  • 模糊的焦点:在写作中,应该始终围绕一个核心主题,而不是跳跃不定。
  • 过度复杂的句子结构:尽量避免过长或过于复杂的句子,这可能会使文章难以理解。
  • 不恰当的词汇使用:每个写作模式都有其特定的词汇,误用可能会导致混淆或误导。

